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Rabu, 09 April 2008


Gyeh bocah-bocah sing pada bakal pinter-pinter (siki tah esih goblok ya rapapa), sing pada temenanan goli belajar ya!
Nih saya beri ringkasan carane nyususn kalimat passive. Jajal depelajari, trus jajal bar kui gawe kalimat sakarepmu dewek, sing penting nyonto (madakna) polane baen!


Rumus Dasar: Subject + To Be + Kata Kerja ke 3

Catatan: To Be bisa berupa; am/is/are, was/were, been/be/ being
Perhatikan berubahan bentuk TO BE dalam contoh-contoh berikut. Perubahan itu adalah karena perbedaan Tenses dan Subject.

Simple Present Tense (kebiasaan sehari-hari)
Active : My mother waters the plants everyday. > S + V1 (s/es)
Passive : The plants are watered by my mother everyday S + am/is/are + V3

Simple Past Tense (aktivitas sing wis keliwat)
Active : The government built the bridge lst year. > S + V2
Passive : The bridge was built by the governrmet last year > S + was/were + V3

Present Continous Tense (aktivitase lagi dejalani saat ngomong)
Active : The servant are painting the building > S + am/is/are + V ing
Passive : The building is being painted by the srvant > S + am/is/are + being + V3

Past Contiunous Tense (aktivitas sedang berlangsung tapi waktu jaman samono/wis keliwat)
Active : We were decorating the stage. > S+ vas/were + V ing
Passive : The stage was being decorated by us. > S + was/were + being + V3

Present Perfect (ada tekanan kata telah / uwis)
Active : A thief has stolen her purse. > S + has/have + V3
Passive : Her purse has been stollen by a thief. S + has/have + been + V3

Past Perfect Tense (uwis jaman samono /ada tekanan kata telah di atas peristiwa lampau)
Active : We had sent the package before she came to the post office. > S + had + V3.
Passive : The package had been sent by us befor she came to the post. > S + Had
been + V3

Simple Future Tense (jaman sing arep teka)
Active : The compoany will build a new factory. > S+ will + /hall + V1
Passive : A new factory will be build by the company. > S + will + V3

Sentence using MODAL Verbs (can, may, must)
Active : They must clean the room everyday. > S + Modal(must)+ V1
Passive : The room must be clean by them everyday. > S+ Modal + be + verb 3

Coba buat kalimat passive dengan menterjemahkan kalimat berikut! Selamat berlatih.

- Aku dikhianati oleh kekasihku.

- PR-ku dikerjakan adikku tadi malam

- Ruang kelas kita sedang dibersihkan oleh pak Darlim

- Sepeda motorku sedang dipinjam teman ketika kamu pinjam tadi malam.

- Organisasi itu telah dibubarkan oleh pemerintah

- Dia akan dihukum oleh pak Suratno

- Pelajaran ini harus dipraktekan setiap hari
By: @moet ‘08

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