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Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

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English Grammar - Past Continous Tense

Kegunaan :1. Untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang SEDANG terjadi di masa lampau di saat terjadi kejadian yang berikutnya. Contoh :
- Saya sedang sarapan, ketika Toni datang tadi pagi.
- Kami sedang mengikuti rapat bersama Kelompok lain, ketika Pemimpin rapat menghentikan sidang.
- Rudi sedang menulis surat untuk Ruli, ketika Rika menelpon semalam.
Struktur :
Subyek + to be + V1 ing + Obyek
To be yang diapakai ialah “was” dan “were”.
- I was buying a new shirt, when I saw Tina.
- You were studying math, when your friends went to Rajawali theater.
- We were discussing the plans, when the manager came.
- They were sleeping in the lobby. when the taxi arrived.
- She was buying a shirt, when you visited her.
- He was buying a newspaper, when someone hit his car.
- It was raining yesterday. when you called me.
- I selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
- You selalu diikuti were + V1 ing
- We selalu diikuti were + V1 ing
- They selalu diikuti were + V1 ing
- She selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
- He selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
- It selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
Contoh kalimat
1. I was washing my clothes when you called at 7 o’clock this morning. (Dari struktur bisa terlihat bahwa baik to be + Ving maupun verb di kalimat ke dua berbentuk lampau)
2) Kamil was going to the market when Anton came yesterday. (was going dan came adalah bentuk lampau)
3. Yuli was watering the plants when her grandparents came yesterday. (was watering dan came adalah bentuk lampau)
Latihan Kalimat :
Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris :
1. Ruli sedang belajar semalam ketika kakeknya menelponnya.
2. Wendi dan Yanto sedang membersihkan kamarnya ketika pamannya datang kemarin.
3, Saya sedang menyiapkan makanan untuk Rafi ketika tukang post datang tadi pagi.
4. Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola ketika kepala sekolah datang ke kelas mereka minggu lalu.
5. Ibu sedang memasak ketika telpon berbunyi jam 9 tadi pagi.
Terjemahan :
1. Ruli was studying last night when his grandfather called him.
2. Wendi dan Yanto were cleaning their room when their uncle came yesterday.
3. I was preparing some food for Rafi when the postman came this morning.
4. They were playing soccer when the headmaster came to their class last week.
5. Mother was cooking when the telephon rang at 9 o’clock this morning.
Contoh Soal - Past Continous Tense
1. I (buy) ………… two good books, when Shinta (offer) ……….. me a novel .
2. She (get breakfast) …………….. this morning with her aunt in the lobby when someone (call) …………. her name
3. We (go) …………. to Nusa Dua Bali Hotel, when other students were in holiday..
4. Toni (read) ………………. a history book, when her teacher (call) ……… him.
5. Shanti (write) ………………….. a letter for him when Andri called.
6 The headmaster (visit) ………………. the trouble maker classes when I was in his office

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