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Rabu, 09 April 2008


Gyeh bocah-bocah sing pada bakal pinter-pinter (siki tah esih goblok ya rapapa), sing pada temenanan goli belajar ya!
Nih saya beri ringkasan carane nyususn kalimat passive. Jajal depelajari, trus jajal bar kui gawe kalimat sakarepmu dewek, sing penting nyonto (madakna) polane baen!


Rumus Dasar: Subject + To Be + Kata Kerja ke 3

Catatan: To Be bisa berupa; am/is/are, was/were, been/be/ being
Perhatikan berubahan bentuk TO BE dalam contoh-contoh berikut. Perubahan itu adalah karena perbedaan Tenses dan Subject.

Simple Present Tense (kebiasaan sehari-hari)
Active : My mother waters the plants everyday. > S + V1 (s/es)
Passive : The plants are watered by my mother everyday S + am/is/are + V3

Simple Past Tense (aktivitas sing wis keliwat)
Active : The government built the bridge lst year. > S + V2
Passive : The bridge was built by the governrmet last year > S + was/were + V3

Present Continous Tense (aktivitase lagi dejalani saat ngomong)
Active : The servant are painting the building > S + am/is/are + V ing
Passive : The building is being painted by the srvant > S + am/is/are + being + V3

Past Contiunous Tense (aktivitas sedang berlangsung tapi waktu jaman samono/wis keliwat)
Active : We were decorating the stage. > S+ vas/were + V ing
Passive : The stage was being decorated by us. > S + was/were + being + V3

Present Perfect (ada tekanan kata telah / uwis)
Active : A thief has stolen her purse. > S + has/have + V3
Passive : Her purse has been stollen by a thief. S + has/have + been + V3

Past Perfect Tense (uwis jaman samono /ada tekanan kata telah di atas peristiwa lampau)
Active : We had sent the package before she came to the post office. > S + had + V3.
Passive : The package had been sent by us befor she came to the post. > S + Had
been + V3

Simple Future Tense (jaman sing arep teka)
Active : The compoany will build a new factory. > S+ will + /hall + V1
Passive : A new factory will be build by the company. > S + will + V3

Sentence using MODAL Verbs (can, may, must)
Active : They must clean the room everyday. > S + Modal(must)+ V1
Passive : The room must be clean by them everyday. > S+ Modal + be + verb 3

Coba buat kalimat passive dengan menterjemahkan kalimat berikut! Selamat berlatih.

- Aku dikhianati oleh kekasihku.

- PR-ku dikerjakan adikku tadi malam

- Ruang kelas kita sedang dibersihkan oleh pak Darlim

- Sepeda motorku sedang dipinjam teman ketika kamu pinjam tadi malam.

- Organisasi itu telah dibubarkan oleh pemerintah

- Dia akan dihukum oleh pak Suratno

- Pelajaran ini harus dipraktekan setiap hari
By: @moet ‘08

Obrolan sekitar Warung Madang

Kyeh pada latihan ngomong Ingrisan ala wong Banyumasan
(bagi sing ndue HT, bisa brik-brikan neng frekwency 14.171, ketemu sing jenenge Mr. Obet Kedindang)

Around the Canteen

It's time to break. Let's go to the canteen.
Saatnya istirahat. Yuk kita ke kantin.
You go first, please! I'll go next.
Pergi duluan sana!! Tar aku nyusul.
Hi, what are you eating? It seems so delicious.
He, lagi makan apa sih kamu? Enak banget kayaknya.
Just try yourself! Its name "combro".
Coba aja sendiri. Namanya combro.
Oh, I see. I don't think it's nice.
Oh, combro to?! Gak enak lah.
I'd rather eat mendoan than eat combro.
Aku sih lebih suka makan mendoan dari pada makan combro.
Do you prefer eating combro to eating mendoan?
Apakah kamu lebih suka makan combro dari pada makan mendoan?
Actually I like both, but I think combro is much more delicious.
Sebenarnya sih suka keduanya, tapi kupikir combro tuh jauhan lebih enak.
I think you'll say that "combro is cheaper".
Alaaah, paling juga mo ngomong "combro tu lebih murah"
That's exactly what I mean.
Yaa, begitu emang maksudku.
Are you finish?Let's go back to the class. I am gonna finish the assignment of chemistry.
Selesai belum kamu?Yuk balik ke kelas. Aku mo nyelesein tugas kimia.
Wait a minute! I'm still chewing a slice of mendoan.
Tunggu, aku masih ngunyah mendoan nih.
How many slices did you eat? Let me treat you.
Makan mendoamn berapa kamu. Biar aku traktir kamu.
What? Will you pay me? What a good of you! (How kind you are! / How koind of you!)
Apa? Kamu mo bayarin aku. Baik bener kamu! Thanks ya!
Don't mention it! / You are welcome. / It's alright.
Yo-i. Iya lah.
How much is one mendoan, Mom / Madam?
Mendoan satu berapa, Bu?
Just usual, Boy. How many slices did you eat?
Seperti biasa lah, Nak. Makan berapa tadi?
I toke three slices and my friend toke four. So how much for all?
Aku tiga iris dan temanku empat. Dados sedoyo pinten , Bu?
Just one thousand and four hundreds all.
Namung setunggal ewu kawanatus, Mas.
Here is the money. One thousand and a half. Thanks, Mom.
Ini uangnya, Bu. Rp 1.500,- Makasih
Wait, you still have one hundred.
Hei tunggu, kembali cepek, nih.
Just take it, Mom!
Udah lah, Bu. Ambil saja!
Hmmmm….I'm full. Satisfied!!
Salmony English Club @mout Hmmmm…kenyaaang. Puas nih! Wareg

Kalimat ora Langsung alias Ngulang Omongane Wong


Berikut adalah perubahan tenses dari kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung

(a) She said, "I eat fried rice everyday." > She said (that) she ate fried rice
(b) She said, "I am eating fried rice now." > She said she was eating fried rice
that time.
(c) She said, "I have eaten fried rice." > She said she had eaten fried rice.
(d) She said, "I ate fried rice yesterday." > She said she had eaten fried rice
the day before.
(e) She said, "I will eat fried rice." > She said she would eat fried rice.
(f) She said, "I am going to eat fried rice." > She said she was going to
eat fried rice.
(g) She said, "I can eat fried rice." > She said she could eat fried rice.
(h) She said, "I may eat fried rice." > She said she might eat fried rice.
(i) She said, " I must eat fried rice." > She said she had to eat fried rice.
(j) She said, "I have to eat fried rice." > She said she had to eat fried rice.
(k) She said, "I should eat fried rice." > She said she should eat fried rice.
(l) She said, "I ought to eat fried rice." > She said she ought to eat fried
(m) She said, "I don't eat fried rice." > She said she didn't eat fried rice.

Perhatikan untuk kalimat imperative (perintah), kalimat perintah berubah menjadi invinitive (to + Verb I / k.k dasar). Tell (told) digunakan sebagai pengganti Say (said). Dan kata TELL langsung diikuti kata ganti (me).

(n) She said, "Eat fried rice!" > She told me to eat fried rice.
(o) she said, " Don't eat fried rice!" > She told me (asked me) NOT to
eat fried rice.

Untuk kalimat tanya YES/NO Question kita menggunakan kata Ask not say or tell and we use IF or WHETHER.

(p) She said, " Do you eat fried rice?" > She asked me if I ate rice.
(q) She said, " Do you have any money?" > She asked if I had some money.
(r) She said, " Are you hungry?" > She asked (me) if I was hungry.
> She asked (me) whether I was
Untuk WH Question

(s) She said, "Where do you live?" > She asked me where I lived.
"Do you live in a boarding house?" > She asked me if I lived in a
boarding house.
Dedicated by @moet'07
To be continued…………

Selasa, 08 April 2008

Speech Contest: The Role of Youth/Young Generation

The honorable judges,
Dear my beloved friends,
And ladies also gentlemen,
Asslamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
Firstly, all praises be to Allah, the God who create human being and teaches them knowledge and languages. May peace be always on our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from darkness to the modern life.
Ladies and gentlemen …..
It is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to deliver a speech on the subject of the role of Youths (student) in the era of National development.
Let me star by informing you that we are facing the modern era that full of challenges. We, as youth generation, have no choice except to be brave in facing the challenges. Concerning the fact, let us improve our knowledge, let us study hard. We know that education should be the first priority. It is the base need, so that it can not be bargained. With a good and serious education, we will be a good, ethos, reliable and professional generation.
Ladies and gentlemen …..
Nowadays, societies do need the help (service) of educated and generous people, who are able to speak up and make innovation. Therefore, they can help the societies quickly, accurately, generously, and interestingly.
We may not be too slow, too easy going, think about nothing, waiting for the miracle down from the sky. Let us be motivated. Let us be ready to study, struggle, and reach for achievement, so that we can be good smart honest and polite generation.
Honorable judges and my beloved friends ……
As we are still young, use our time as well as possible. Never put of what you can do today until tomorrow. The wise man said “TIME IS SWORD”. It means that if we use the time well, we will feel happy and peace. On the contrary, if we do not use the time well, the time will kill us. Therefore, our time will be useless. The sharp (keen) sword that we hold as the weapon will kill ourselves because we don’t use it well. Out of concern, we are getting older, getting weaker, finally die without anything.
Ladies and gentlemen ……..
The Prophet also said:
Keep five things before another five come. One of the five is: keep your youth before you get old. The hadith is very suitable for our guidance. We may not be proud of our youth soul that use the time freely with the reason we are still young. That is absolutely wrong reason.
There is Indonesian proverb “KELAPA MUDA KUPAS-KUPASIN KELAPA TUA TINGGAL BATOKNYA” (waktu muda puas-puasin waktu tua tinggal tongkaknya) (FRESH COCONUT TO BE PARED, OLD COCONUT LEAVES ITS HUSK, till young reach for satisfaction, getting old gain nothing)
My beloved friend …….
The development of country depends on its generation. If we have good generation, we will have a good country. If we have bad generation, we will have bad country. So, reach the knowledge more and more. Make your dream come true. Ask not what your country can for you, but ask what you can do for your country.
Ladies and gentlemen …
In conclusion, I would like to remind us to study hard and let us give our best to our county. God willing, our lovely country – Indonesia – in the future become a good country with good societies and full of prosperity……..
Thank you!
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.



Just use this blog cos i forget the password to access my first blog.
for Destiwi, thank to you too. just practice to write in english, please!


1. The Role of Prayer in Building Islamic Brotherhood

Dear my Brothers and Sisters
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Assalamu 'alaikum war. Wab.
First, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude the God The Almighty by saying "Alhamdulillahirrabbil'alamien" that up to the moment time we are still given the chance to develop and to mend ourselves in many aspects. Including to give some contributions to our society.
My dear Brothers and Sisters,
The advancement and the modernity of this era, which brings so much positive things for our lives, will of course be accompanied by the negatives things. And this negatives things, if we do not give any concern on it, will also cause some misery in the end of our lives, either in the world or here after. That’s why, my beloved brothers and sisters and all the respected audiences, in the very first part of my speech, allow me to remind us that we should always afraid of Allah and do whatever He orders us to do, and avoid whatever Allah forbids us to do. By so doing, Insya Allah we shall always be under His Refuge and Sanctuary and live in happiness and peace until we are entering the next living.
My Brothers and Sisters, in accordance with some advances of our lives which we have got, we are supposed to thanks to the God by increasing the quality of our "Ibadah" to the God, very specially dealing with performing five obligatory prayers. Whatever problem we are facing, in any conditions and under any circumstances we are in.
Anyway My Brothers and Sisters, it's so unfortunate that nowadays we can see the appearance of a symptom showing an ignorance toward the order of performing Assholaat. Some people do it only in term of breaking down the obligation. They haven't done it seriously as their own needs. Even tragically, many people are making a play with it. They do prayer only as their will. In Javaness term "Sa kobere dewe". They don't remember that Allah SWT has said in the Holly Al-quran, surah Al-Ma'un verse 4 and 5, "Wailul lil musollien, alladzienahum 'ansholaatihim saahuun".
The meaning is: "So woe unto those performers of prayers, who delay their prayers from it stated fixed times"

Well My Brothers and Sisters, all beloved Moslems. To get away from the bad and dangerous symptom above, in this golden opportunity I would really be glad to introduce to you all about my today's speech with the title;
" The Role of Prayer (Assholaat) in Building Islamic Brotherhood and civilized society", in the hope that we get more intrigued to perform As-sholaat wholeheartedly.
In this study we are supposed to have a look at As-sholaat from many dimensions; sociology, education, and policy, realizing the width of the secret of As-sholaat itself.
As-sholaat plays five main roles in supporting the process of building up Islamic brotherhood in our lives. They are:
As-sholaat teaches people to have clean body and soul, teach us to get away from all that are dirty. Teach people to be healthy mentally and physically.
As we all know that As-sholaat requires the performers to take bath and take a perfect ablution as what 'ilmu fiqih teaches us. This clearly shows us that The God asks us to be away from all bad attitude which may blacken our hearts, to be away from all disgusting deeds which may create chaos in our society, may cause trouble and disharmony among the societies. And finally breaking the brotherhood among us.
As-sholaat teaches us to be discipline and diligent. Because the time for performing As-sholaat has been fixed. Each of the five compulsory prayers has their own times, from Shubuh until 'Isa. The movement of prayer also has been determined in such away so that we may not do it as we like. The reading has also been determined. So the implementation of performing As-sholaat or prayers, especially in congregational prayer, indeed teaches us the harmony and the discipline. It also shows us the obedience of "mamum" or followers toward their "imam" or leader. And in congregational prayer, there is no priority. There is no rule stating that only the rich people may stand in the front rows, nor the rule stating that the lay man must stand in the back rows. No – no. All are the same. And this way is meant that we must tighten up our "Shaf" to be strong and unbreakable union. Our brotherhood is without any limit.
As-sholaat teaches us to be smart and knowledgeable. This can be seen from the obligation for memorizing the reading of prayers, including the prayers for "dzikir" having correlation with As-sholaat. As-sholaat must also be done in sober condition. No sholaat for drunken people. It must be done with high awareness and full concentration. This case obliges us to look for knowledge as high as we could, and being aware of our responsibility to the God, to ourselves and to the society where we live.
As-sholaat teaches us to love the beauty and cleanliness, and to be diligent in earning the living. Allah SWT orders us to build a mosque and orders us to wear good and best clothes we have when we go to the mosque. Here, we can see clearly that the God wants us not to be lazy people, but obliges us to be hard workers in fulfilling our need as individual person as well as being part of the society.
As-sholaat teaches people to have high level of morality and solidarity. As-sholaat is a set of prayers and movement which is started with "Takbirotul ikhroom" and ended by "Salaam". Takbirotul ikhrom is how we, as human being and as the creature of the God, engage vertical relation. How we praise our God, Allah SWt, the Almighty, how we feel small under His mastery, how we would devote our As-sholaat, our ibadaat, our soul and our body, our lives and our death simply for the sake of Allah, The Great, only Him alone in our whole lives.
Then it's ended with "salaam" by turning to the right and left. Symbolizing horizontal relationship among us, as the creature of the God. This really shows us the great respect and solidarity and brotherhood among human being.

Well My Brothers and Sisters, summing up then, in the end of my speech, I'd like just to emphasize that it's been perfectly clear that As-sholaat really-really gives the uncountable contribution to our lives, in creating the brotherhood among us, among Moslems, among the human being, even among all the creature in this world, for this life. The life in the world even in here after. "Fiddunyaana walaakhirootina."

Wassalamu'alaikum war. wab.



The most wanted people by the Heaven

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most merciful
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
All the praises and thanks be to Allah the lord of 'Alamien, (mankind, jinns, and all that exists) and peace be upon Muhammad SAW, the last of the prophets and upon his brothers Prophets and messengers and upon his family, his companions and whoever follows him with benevolence until the Day of Resurrection.
It's really a great chance and an honor for me to speak before you all, moreover this program is widely spread on air by the ………. Radio broadcasting. I do give all my respects and appreciation to the leading committee of this program. Bravo the International English Program of Purwokerto. It's great indeed.
Well all the audience and listeners wherever you are, let me start my short preaching with the title "The most wanted people by the Heaven or Paradise"
Alright listeners, do you know that The Heaven is always longing for four kinds of people? This is based on the Al-hadists: "Al-jannatu mustaqaatun li arbang nafarini". Who are they?
Taalil Qur'an
The ones who like to read al-Qur'an.
Rasul SAW said: "The best among you is the man who learns Al-Quaran and teach it to others", "Khoirukum man ta'allamal quran wa 'allamahu". In the other alhadits Rasul said, "A-mu'min who reads Alqur'an is just like the fruit limau (orange) . The fruit is besides delicious, it is fragrant as well, and the believers (al-mu'min) who never reads Al-Qu'ran is like the fruit of date (kurma), it has no fragrance though it tastes sweet."
Khaafidzul lisaan
The ones who keep his mouth.
Well my Brothers and Sisters, as the saying goes, "The tongue is boneless". Ya, it has no bone. That's why it easily gets slipped, it sometimes uncontrollable, from gossiping (talking about other's bad sides), telling something lie (telling things which are untrue).
Another wise words also remind us that the tongue is sharper than swords. It means that we have to keep it as good as possible, otherwise we will be in danger or bring others into a danger. A very big war can only be based simply on a misleading provocation. Javanese people also say, "Esuk kedele, sore dadi tempe", Yup, doesn't it really make sense, because the mouth really like to be "manca-mencle." ? So Brothers and Sisters, please, watch your mouth. Be careful with it!
Muth'imul jiingaan
The ones who feed up those who are starving, the hungry people.
The prophet Muhammad also said, "They won't never enter Paradise those who can enjoy the fasting break satisfactorily, while their next door neighbour are starving from hunger. That's really ironic, when our table are full of so many various of delicious food, but on the other hand, our neighbour are fighting against the feeling of hunger. It means that we are dancing above other's misery. So our care of the others will really be appreciated by the God. It will be repaid much by Allah SWT. That is Al-Jannah
In the other explanation, the sentence "Mut'imul jiingaan", also means "Helping those who are in need of our help. Not in the mean of food only, but also for other needs of life.
Assooimu Romadloon
The ones who do the fasting during Romadloon.
My happy brothers and Sisters, and all listeners, there are double delights for people who do fasting of Ramadlon; first during the time they break the fasting, and the second is the delight when the God provides us with Paradise as the reward. This is what has been said by our prophet Muhammad SAW. Just imagine dear friends, we have already proved one delight, that is when we enjoy our fasting. Right? So now, let's hope the second delight by doing our fasting as what has been required by the God. Fasting in which we are not only keeping our mouth from eating and drinking, but from all others disgusting words, such as gossiping, cheating, murmuring, provoking, and the others. Let's make our fasting be a qualified fasting so that we would be the qualified persons for entering the special gate in the Paradise. You know what? There would a special gate or door for those who did fasting during the month of Ramadlon in a correct and acceptable way. That Gate named "Baabu Ar-Royyaan". Be sure that the gate will sing for us and all happy listeners ……."Welcome to my paradise………..my paradise………"
Thanks for your attention
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

About Text Type

Persiapan menghadapi UAN 2008
Materi: Pemahaman bacaan dan Genre / Type of Text (jenis-jenis bacaan)

Materi pokok dalam pemahaman Genre adalah;
1. Jenis text itu sendiri atau nama Genre-nya. Dalam soal biasanya menggunakan kalimat tanya sbb:
1. The name of the above text is…..
2. The type of text of the passage above is…..
3. What type of text does the writer use?
4. The genre of text above is……
Semuanya maksudnya sama.
2. Tujan dari text. Pertanyaannya biasanya:
- The purpose of the text above is ………
- What is the social function of the text?
Maksud keduanya sama.
3. Generic structure (Kerangka text). Pertanyaanya biasanya berbunyi:
- The first/the last/paragraph …… functions as……..
- The generic structure of the text for paragraph 2 is …….
- Which part of the text / which paragraph do we call it…. misalnya coda atau
recommendation, thesis, abstract atau yang lainnya.

Ada macam-macam jenis text, dan masing-masing mempunyai struktur, ciri dan fungsi yang berbeda-beda:
A. Narrative
Teks jenis ini adalah merupakan cerita atau dongeng, bisa berupa fabel, mistery, cerita rakyat dari sutu daerah atau negeri tertentu. Kebanyakan fiksi/khayalan tapi bisa juga kisah nyata, yang mengarah pada suatu krisis / konflik / permasalahan yang pada akhirnya menemukan suatu penyelesaian, baik happy ending maupun sad ending. Cenderung merupakan hiburan atau nina bobo / pengantar tidur belaka. Biasanya mengandung nilai/pesan moral.
Tujuan dari teks seperti ini adalah hanya untuk menghibur pendengar atau pembaca. Maka kalau ada pertanyaan seperti pada nomor 2 di atas jawabannya adalah To entertain atau to amuse the readers or listeners. Entertain dan amuse artinya sama, menghibur.
Struktur Teks (Kerangka minimal)
Orientasi : pengenalan tokoh, waktu dan tempat.
Complication : pengembangan konflik
Resolution : penyelesaian konlik/masalah
4. Ciri kebahasaan
Yang paling menonjol dalam cerita ini adalah Penggunaan Tenses "Past Tense" yakni penggunaan kata kerja bentuk II seprti lived, stayed, had dan TO BE-nya was dan were.
Penggunaan konjungsi untuk mengurutkan peristiwa seperti; then, after that, soon, dsb. Dan biasanya diawali dengan Once upon a time, A long time ago, One day, Once….….

B. Recount
Laporan peristiwa, kejadian / pengalaman masa lampau. Jadi dalam teks ini menceriterakan (tell) pengalama seseorang (bukan kambing atau benda lho), bisa pengalaman penulis atau orang lain yang diceriterakan kembali (retell) oleh penulis.
Tujuan Komunikatif teks
Melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan memberitakan atau menghibur.
Kalau dipertanyakan tujuannya, jawabnya To tell/retell past event atau bisa juga To tell/retell the experience of seseorang.
Struktur Teks
· Pengenalan, yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa, dimana, dan kapan
· Rekaman peristiwa, kejadian atau kejadian yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis.
· Komentar pribadi dan/atau ungkapan penilaian.
· Pengenalan ulang yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan
Yang inti adalah poin 1 dan 2, yakni Orientation dan rentetan events 1, 2 dan seterusnya.
Banyak persammaan dengan Narrative, menggunakan Past Tense. Yang membedakan adalah dalam Recount ini tadak ada konflik dan pemecahan. Hanya berupa rentetan peristiwa. Biasanya ditandai dengan penuturan waktu, seperti tahun, bulan ataupun hari yang sudah terlewati; In 1992…… On April 2006, On Monday last week, etc.

C. Analytical Exposition (Eksposisi Analitis)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Memaparkan dan mempengaruhi audience (pendengar atau pembaca) bahwa ada masalah yang tentunya perlu mendapat perhatian.
Struktur Teks
· Pernyataan pendapat (Thesis)
Apa sih Thesis itu? Yaitu sebuah pernyataan / lontaran pendapat penulis karena persepsi dia sendiri terhadap suatu fenomena social ataupun alam. Contoh: Kamu beranggapan bahwa pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung itu tidak bermanfaat, malah beresiko terjadinya konflik. Ini adalah Thesis kamu. Selanjutnya untuk meyakinkan pembaca kamu kemukakan alas an-alasan yang mendukung gagasas atau Thesis kamu itu. Terakhir kamu simpulkan dengan tanpa perlu / tidak ada saran atau rekomendasi kepada pemerintah untuk mengubah keputusan tentang PILKADA tersebut di atas.
· Argumen, terdiri atas "point" yang dikemukakan dan "elaborasi"
· Penguatan pernyataan berupa Kesimpulan.
Ciri Kebahasaan
Menggunakan Simple Present (Present Tense). Biasanya menggunakan Connective Idea seperti; Firstly, Secondly, dsb.

D. Hortatory Exposition (Eksposisi hortatory)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Memaparkan dan mempengaruhi audience bahwa sesuatu seharusnya demikian atau tidak demikian.
Struktur Teks
· Pernyataan issue yang dipersoalkan (Thesis)
· Argumen: berupa alasan mengapa ada perhatian atau keprihatinan, dan mengarah ke rekomendasi
· Rekomendasi: pernyataan tentang bagaimana seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya.
Ciri Kebahasaan
Sama dengan Analitical, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa dalam teks ini kesimpulan terakhir berupa Recommendation (anjuran) menggunakan Modality seperti MUST / SHOULD.

E. Procedure (Prosedur)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Memberi petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah
Struktur Teks
· Tujuan kegiatan (Goal)
· Bahan-bahan (Materials)
· Langkah-langkah (Steps)
Ciri Kebahasaan
* Menggunakan pola kalimat perintah/imperative, misalnya Cut…potonglah, Pour the …
* Connective untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya Fisrtly, then, while…dsb.
Contone : How to use Cotex Body Fat ..Eh, salah apa yah…. :). Langklah-langkahnya gemana hayyooo?!

F. Anecdote (Anekdot)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Menceritakan (berbagi cerita) kejadian / peristiwa lucu/nyeleneh/tidak biasa/memalukan berdasarkan khayalan atau peristiwa nyata yang bertujuan menghibur. Maka kjalau ada pertanyaan apa The Purpose dari text macam ini jawabnya adalah To share atau to amuse the readers with unusual experience. Namun kadang kalimatnya tidak plek kaya kue.
Catatan: Kata Anecdote di sini beda dengan istilah dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti cerita lucu. Di sisni lebih mirip dengan cerita bahasa Indonesia "APA TUMON".
Struktur Teks
· Abstraksi (merupakan pertanyaan retorik yang memancing pendengar/pembaca untuk berpikir tentang apa yang akan disampaikan.
· Pengenalan (orientasi)
· Krisis
· Tindakan (Reaction)
· Koda (hikmah)
Ciri Kebahasaan
Tenses : Past Tense

G. Review (Ulasan atau Tinjauan)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Melakukan analisa dan kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai, misalnya film, pertunjukan, buku, dll.
Tujuannya berarti To analyze atau to criticize an art work (film atau buku, dll)
Struktur Teks
· Pengenalan
· Evaluasi 1
· Evaluasi 2
· Tafsir
· Evaluasi 3
· Evaluasi 4, dsb. Jika ada
· Rangkuman
Ciri Kebahasaan
Mengunakan adjective untuk memberikan appresiasi seperti, good, excellent, bad, enchanting, marvelous, dsb.

H. Report (Laporan hasil pengamatan)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gejala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala-gejala social. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum, misalnya tentang Singa. Secara umum berhabitat di semak dan grassland di Afrika. Yang jantan membpunyai rawis (rumbai-rumbai di leher), dan yang betina tidak. Text dengan judul SINGA semacam ini adalah report. Karena bersifat umum. Tapi kalu text itu menceritakan seekor singa tertentu, hasil tangkapan pemburu misalnya. Ini baru deskripsi.
Struktur Teks
· Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klarifikasinya.
· Deskripsi
3. Ciri Kebahasaan
Karena mengungkapkan sebuah fakta / general truth, maka menggunakan Present Tense, yaitu kalau kalimat nominal menggunakan to be is b dan are. Bukan was dan were. Kalau kalimat verbal, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk I.

I. Description
1. Tujuan komunikatif
Menggambarkan sesuatu (benda, manusia, binatang, tempat, etc) tertentu. Bisa ditengarai dengan nama tertentu. Bicara tentang sekolah adalah masih umum. Madrasah Aliyah, masih umum. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri, masih umum. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Purwokerto, juga masih umum. Kalau Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Purwokerto 1, ini baru KHUSUS.
Struktur Teks
Identifikasi (Menentukan a, b atau c apa yang akan digambarkan)
Ben ra bingung, sama dengan Report. Bedakan khusus umumnya saja! Tertentu atau berlaku untuk kelompok.

J. Discussion (Pembahasan)
Tujuan komunikatif Teks
Mengetengahkan suatu masalah (isu) yang ditinjau paling tidak dari 2 (dua) sudut pandang, sebelum sampai pada suatu kesimpulan atau rekomendasi.
Struktur Teks
* Isu
* Pendapat yang mendukung (Pros/For)
Gagasan Pokok 1
Elaborasi (uraian)
Gagasan pokok 2
Elaborasi (uraian)
* Pendapat yang menentang (Cons/Against)
Gagasan pokok
Elaborasi (uraian)
Kesimpulan. Penulis bisa hanya sekedar menyimpulkan atau juga berpihak pada salah satu kubu.
Ciri kebahasaan
Thinking verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan, seperti I think, Some people believe, dsb.

K. Spoof (laporan kejadian atau peristiwa lucu)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Menceritakan kejadian, peristiwa aneh atau lucu berdasarkan kejadian atau peristiwa dalam kehidupan nyata yang bertujuan menghibur, yang biasa diakhiri dengan sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan/disangka-sangka (twist / Plintiran)
Struktur Teks
* Pengenalan
* Kejadian/peristiwa/kegiatan 1
* Kejadian/peristiwa/kegiatan 2 (tidak mesti harus lebih dari 1)
* Twist (akhir yang tidak terduga atau lucu/nyleneh)
- Past tense
- Tidak menggunakan abstrak (pertanyaan retorik untuk memancing pendengar)
- Lucunya hanya terdapat pada pernyataan atau jawaban yang tidak terduga, dan sekaligus pernnyataan itu menutup sebuah text.

K. News Item (Berita)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Memberitakan kepada pembaca, pendengar atau penonton tentang peristiwa-peristiwa atau kejadian-kejadian yang dipandang penting atau layak diberitakan.
Struktur Teks
* Kejadian inti (Newsworthy event)
* Latar belakang: elaborasi kejadian, orang yang terlibat, tempat kejadian, dsb.
* Sumber informasi : komentar saksi kejadian, pendapat para ahli (orang yang berkompeten
dalam hal yang menjadi pokok berita), dsb.
Ciri Kebahasaan
- Informasi singkat tertuang dalam Headline
- Past Tense
L. Explanation (penjelasan)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan fenomena alam, dunia ilmiah, social-budaya, atau lainnya yang bertujuan menjelaskan.
Struktur Teks
* Penjelasan umum, bisa untuk menjawab pertanyaan WHY atau juga HOW
* Penjelasan proses
* Penutup
Ciri kebahasaan
- Simple Present Tense
- Banyak menggunakan kalimat pasif (Passive Voice)

Catatan: memang sepintas banyak persamaan dengan teks Prosedur, yang membedakan dalam explanation ini tidak menggunakan bahasa IMPERATIF (kalimat perintah) seperti: Pertama, Masukan………, Tuangkan……, Putarlah…..Tapi lebih merupakan kalimat penjelasan (uraian) yang panjang dengan menggunakan kalimat pasif, yakni kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan ( di atau ter). Dalam kalimat itu terdapat to be (is / are) + Verb III (kata kerja bentuk ke-3).

OK, begitulah kira-kira. Semoga ringkasan matreri ini bisa membuat kalian lebih paham dan selanjutnya bisa mengerjakan UAN dengan benar, dan…….LULUS tentunya. Amien!
Jangan lupa selalu memohon petunjuk dan tawakkal kepada Allah. "Bismillahi Tawakkaltu 'alalloh". Usahakan untuk berwudlu dan tetap dalam keadaan suci selama UJIAN. Jangan senggal-senggol sama yang bukan mukhrim ya! Kalau yang kebetulan lagi dapet, yang penting sucikan hati dan jangan suka sensi…J Terus membaca sholawat nabi "Allohumma solli 'ala Muhammad" atau "Sholli 'ala Muhammad" saat ngurek-ngureki LJK. WARNING …! Jangan dibaca saat ngurek-ureki ITCHY ASS HOLE alias slt gtl…J

GOOOOG LUCK!!!! @mut

Introduction of Salmony

Let's improve our english mastery here!

Hello Guys,
Nice to meet you through this media. This is relly a good chance for me to practice my poor English here. Thank God, one day Mr. Iksan, my colleague, introduced me about this...let's say "game". I was wondered "what was it about?"
Frankly spekaing, I'm blank about this "world". Anyway, it's not a mistake i think if i JUST wanna try.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

To all The Honorabble Judges,
My Brothers and Sisters, and the Happy Audiences,
No others words I should say for the first time but "Alhamdullillahirabbil'almien" All the Praises belongs to Allah, The Lord of this universe. Cause it's simply due to His Mercy and Bless so that I can be here in this place to take part in this competition to win the champion of Speech Contest.
And the second, Shalawat and Salam be upon our Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, who has brought us from the "Jahiliyah Era" to the moment which is full of "Hidayah". And hopefully we will always get this "Hidayah', Amien!
All happy Audience and the honorable Judges, allow me to stand here to deliver my speech on "The Role of Students in The Era of National Development"
Students or the young generation is the hope of the nation. "Subbaanulyaum Rijaalulghood". What does this statement mean? It means that we are responsible for the glory of our country in the future time. The responsibility is "here", on our shoulders. If we are not well-prepared, if we are not well-educated, we will not be able to maintain this country as an independent country.
Well all happy audiences,
So the question is "What should we, as students, do to maintain our country's freedom and to develop the nation? Well my Brothers and Sisters, I have three answers to share with you all. And this is the answer of my question above. The first is READING, the second is READING and the third is also READING.
Come on, let's have a look at Singapore (country). We know that Singaporean life style is very different from ours. They use their leisure times for reading a book. Not like our habit. We use our leisure time just for playing games or watching TV. So no wonder if Singapore can "defeat" Indonesia from the economic aspect. It's not a wonder if Indonesia, according to "Human index report United Nations Program 2001", is placed for the 106th number from 109 nominations. Indonesia is left behind so far from Singapore and Malaysia, our closest neighbors.
"How can this happen so?", the answer is because Indonesia society are very lazy to read books. If you ask anyone in this country which one they prefer to buy: BOOKS or CILOOX, most people would likely prefer the later (CILOOX). They don't realize the important of reading and the role of knowledge for their own, either as individual or as societies. No wonder if Indonesia just become a poor country, just become the consumer for other products, become the imitators only.
So once again my Brothers and Sisters, in the end of my speech I'd like to underline that the role of students for the national development is very important (as) to be the next leaders of the country. So making preparation to be good students is very important, too. And one way to become good students is by READING a lot. So come on, READ ! READ ! and READ! Don't by CILOOX, but please buy some BOOKS, OK?

Wassalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.