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Rabu, 09 April 2008

Obrolan sekitar Warung Madang

Kyeh pada latihan ngomong Ingrisan ala wong Banyumasan
(bagi sing ndue HT, bisa brik-brikan neng frekwency 14.171, ketemu sing jenenge Mr. Obet Kedindang)

Around the Canteen

It's time to break. Let's go to the canteen.
Saatnya istirahat. Yuk kita ke kantin.
You go first, please! I'll go next.
Pergi duluan sana!! Tar aku nyusul.
Hi, what are you eating? It seems so delicious.
He, lagi makan apa sih kamu? Enak banget kayaknya.
Just try yourself! Its name "combro".
Coba aja sendiri. Namanya combro.
Oh, I see. I don't think it's nice.
Oh, combro to?! Gak enak lah.
I'd rather eat mendoan than eat combro.
Aku sih lebih suka makan mendoan dari pada makan combro.
Do you prefer eating combro to eating mendoan?
Apakah kamu lebih suka makan combro dari pada makan mendoan?
Actually I like both, but I think combro is much more delicious.
Sebenarnya sih suka keduanya, tapi kupikir combro tuh jauhan lebih enak.
I think you'll say that "combro is cheaper".
Alaaah, paling juga mo ngomong "combro tu lebih murah"
That's exactly what I mean.
Yaa, begitu emang maksudku.
Are you finish?Let's go back to the class. I am gonna finish the assignment of chemistry.
Selesai belum kamu?Yuk balik ke kelas. Aku mo nyelesein tugas kimia.
Wait a minute! I'm still chewing a slice of mendoan.
Tunggu, aku masih ngunyah mendoan nih.
How many slices did you eat? Let me treat you.
Makan mendoamn berapa kamu. Biar aku traktir kamu.
What? Will you pay me? What a good of you! (How kind you are! / How koind of you!)
Apa? Kamu mo bayarin aku. Baik bener kamu! Thanks ya!
Don't mention it! / You are welcome. / It's alright.
Yo-i. Iya lah.
How much is one mendoan, Mom / Madam?
Mendoan satu berapa, Bu?
Just usual, Boy. How many slices did you eat?
Seperti biasa lah, Nak. Makan berapa tadi?
I toke three slices and my friend toke four. So how much for all?
Aku tiga iris dan temanku empat. Dados sedoyo pinten , Bu?
Just one thousand and four hundreds all.
Namung setunggal ewu kawanatus, Mas.
Here is the money. One thousand and a half. Thanks, Mom.
Ini uangnya, Bu. Rp 1.500,- Makasih
Wait, you still have one hundred.
Hei tunggu, kembali cepek, nih.
Just take it, Mom!
Udah lah, Bu. Ambil saja!
Hmmmm….I'm full. Satisfied!!
Salmony English Club @mout Hmmmm…kenyaaang. Puas nih! Wareg

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