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Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Apa janen sing demaksud TO BE


Ngrasa susah belajar Bahasa Inggris? Diagnosa pertama ANDA BINGUNG DENGAN TO BE.
Pahami apa itu TO BE dan kapan menggunakannya!

Ada dua kelompok to be; Present dan Past. Present: am, is, are dan Past: was dan were.
Di tengah subject dan kata sifat (Adjective)
I am happy to hear that news (saya senang mendengar berita itu)
She is so strange for me (dia begitu asing bagiku)
They are really wonderful (mereka benar-benar luar biasa)
Fatimah is very kind to me (Fatimah sangat baik padaku)
Learning English is exciting (belajar bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan)
Fatimah and her mother are very impressive ( Fatimah dan ibunya sangat mengesankan).

Kata yang dicetak miring adalah "to be" dan yang dicetak tebal adalah "adjectives".
Bila kita akan mengatakan "TIDAK" pada pernyataan-pernyataan di atas, kita tinggal meletakan kata "NOT" di belakang to be-nya saja. Jika ingin menjadikan kalimat pertanyaan yang berarti "APAKAH…", maka kita letakan to be di depan Subjek. Contoh
Apakah dia (Pr) begitu asing bagimu? > Is she so strange far you?
Latihan: Buatlah kalimat dengan mengikuti pola di atas yaitu (Subjek + to be + kata sifat) dengan kata – kata berikut:

Nervous = gugup Relax = santai
Intelligent = cerdas Dull = bodoh
Sophisticated = canggih simple = sederhana

Kembangkan kalimat-kalimat itu dalam bentuk Negatif dan Interogatif!!! Katakan kalimat-kalimat yang anda buat berulang kali. Niscaya, mulai detik ini juga anda sudah bisa berbahasa Inggris!!!

Di tengah subject dan kata benda (Noun)
Contoh :
I am a friend of him / I am his friend (Saya teman dia)
He is a crazy man (Dia itu orang gila)
You are a liar (Kau pembohong)
It is a stupid action (itu adalah sebuah aksi yang bodoh)
Hasan is the first winner of the English Speech Contest (Hasan itu juara pertama lomba…..)
Kata yang di cetak miring adalah "to be", sedang yang dicetak tebal adalah kata bendanya. Kata benda itu bisa berupa kata tunggal ataupun frase.
Untuk membuat kalimat negative maupun interogatif, sama dengan ketentuan di atas. Sekarang saatnya anda mencoba menyusun kalimat dengan pola Subjek + to be + Noun. Misalakan :
- dia kekasihku
- kau adalah gadis impianku, kaulah pencuri hatiku
- mereka semua karyawan pabrik roti itu.
Buatlah kalimat Negatif dan Interogatifnya.

Di tengah subject dan preposition (Kata depan)
I am in the middle of a big problem (Saya ada di tengah masalah besar)
My mother is in the kitchen right now (Ibuku ada di dapur saat ini)
They are in front of the building (Mereka ada di depan bangunana itu)
You are always in my mind and my heart (Kau selalau ada di benakku dan di hatiku)
We are really under pressure of a Tyrant.
NAAAAH, sampai poin ketiga ini, sudah gak bingung lagi kaan!!? Coba ga usah pake teori, langsung aja dipraktekkan!!
- Aku ada di persimpangan jalan, aku selalu bingung, karena kamu orang yang membingungkan

To be continued…..

To be continued…..Mr. @mut ada di balik semua ini. Hayyo, bisa kan ngomong begitu!!!

samples of diary

Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

present future

Ngomong apa sing arep delakoni

Present Future Tense untuk menceritakan suatu hal yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Belum terjadi sekarang, tapi besar kemungkinan akan terlaksana di masa yang akan datang.Strukturnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Subyek + will/shall + Verb1 + Obyek
Contoh kalimat :
- Saya akan memasak nasi => (I will cook rice).
- Kamu akan memasak nasi => (You will cook rice)
- Kami akan memasak nasi => (We will cook rice).
- Mereka akan memasa nasi => (They will cook rice).
- Dia (perempuan) akan memasak nasi => (She will cook rice.)
- Dia (laki-laki) akan memasak nasi => (He will cook rice).
Tolong terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
1. Winda dan Nova akan pergi ke toko buku besok sore.
2. Leli dan Tita akan menghadiri perayaan pernikahan Eka nanti malam.
3. Saya akan menulis lagu cinta untuk Tita.
4. Kepala Sekolah akan menghukum murid-murid yang terlambat.
5. Kurnia akan mengendarai sepeda motor barunya.
1. Winda and Nova will go to book store tomorrow afternoon.
2. Leli and Tita will attend Eka’s wedding party tonight.
3. I will write a love song for Tita.
4. The principal will punish the students who come late.
5. Kurnia will ride his new motor cycle.

Lagi berlangsung tapi wis kelewat

English Grammar - Past Continous Tense

Kegunaan :1. Untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang SEDANG terjadi di masa lampau di saat terjadi kejadian yang berikutnya. Contoh :
- Saya sedang sarapan, ketika Toni datang tadi pagi.
- Kami sedang mengikuti rapat bersama Kelompok lain, ketika Pemimpin rapat menghentikan sidang.
- Rudi sedang menulis surat untuk Ruli, ketika Rika menelpon semalam.
Struktur :
Subyek + to be + V1 ing + Obyek
To be yang diapakai ialah “was” dan “were”.
- I was buying a new shirt, when I saw Tina.
- You were studying math, when your friends went to Rajawali theater.
- We were discussing the plans, when the manager came.
- They were sleeping in the lobby. when the taxi arrived.
- She was buying a shirt, when you visited her.
- He was buying a newspaper, when someone hit his car.
- It was raining yesterday. when you called me.
- I selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
- You selalu diikuti were + V1 ing
- We selalu diikuti were + V1 ing
- They selalu diikuti were + V1 ing
- She selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
- He selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
- It selalu diikuti was + V1 ing
Contoh kalimat
1. I was washing my clothes when you called at 7 o’clock this morning. (Dari struktur bisa terlihat bahwa baik to be + Ving maupun verb di kalimat ke dua berbentuk lampau)
2) Kamil was going to the market when Anton came yesterday. (was going dan came adalah bentuk lampau)
3. Yuli was watering the plants when her grandparents came yesterday. (was watering dan came adalah bentuk lampau)
Latihan Kalimat :
Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris :
1. Ruli sedang belajar semalam ketika kakeknya menelponnya.
2. Wendi dan Yanto sedang membersihkan kamarnya ketika pamannya datang kemarin.
3, Saya sedang menyiapkan makanan untuk Rafi ketika tukang post datang tadi pagi.
4. Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola ketika kepala sekolah datang ke kelas mereka minggu lalu.
5. Ibu sedang memasak ketika telpon berbunyi jam 9 tadi pagi.
Terjemahan :
1. Ruli was studying last night when his grandfather called him.
2. Wendi dan Yanto were cleaning their room when their uncle came yesterday.
3. I was preparing some food for Rafi when the postman came this morning.
4. They were playing soccer when the headmaster came to their class last week.
5. Mother was cooking when the telephon rang at 9 o’clock this morning.
Contoh Soal - Past Continous Tense
1. I (buy) ………… two good books, when Shinta (offer) ……….. me a novel .
2. She (get breakfast) …………….. this morning with her aunt in the lobby when someone (call) …………. her name
3. We (go) …………. to Nusa Dua Bali Hotel, when other students were in holiday..
4. Toni (read) ………………. a history book, when her teacher (call) ……… him.
5. Shanti (write) ………………….. a letter for him when Andri called.
6 The headmaster (visit) ………………. the trouble maker classes when I was in his office

Rabu, 09 April 2008


Gyeh bocah-bocah sing pada bakal pinter-pinter (siki tah esih goblok ya rapapa), sing pada temenanan goli belajar ya!
Nih saya beri ringkasan carane nyususn kalimat passive. Jajal depelajari, trus jajal bar kui gawe kalimat sakarepmu dewek, sing penting nyonto (madakna) polane baen!


Rumus Dasar: Subject + To Be + Kata Kerja ke 3

Catatan: To Be bisa berupa; am/is/are, was/were, been/be/ being
Perhatikan berubahan bentuk TO BE dalam contoh-contoh berikut. Perubahan itu adalah karena perbedaan Tenses dan Subject.

Simple Present Tense (kebiasaan sehari-hari)
Active : My mother waters the plants everyday. > S + V1 (s/es)
Passive : The plants are watered by my mother everyday S + am/is/are + V3

Simple Past Tense (aktivitas sing wis keliwat)
Active : The government built the bridge lst year. > S + V2
Passive : The bridge was built by the governrmet last year > S + was/were + V3

Present Continous Tense (aktivitase lagi dejalani saat ngomong)
Active : The servant are painting the building > S + am/is/are + V ing
Passive : The building is being painted by the srvant > S + am/is/are + being + V3

Past Contiunous Tense (aktivitas sedang berlangsung tapi waktu jaman samono/wis keliwat)
Active : We were decorating the stage. > S+ vas/were + V ing
Passive : The stage was being decorated by us. > S + was/were + being + V3

Present Perfect (ada tekanan kata telah / uwis)
Active : A thief has stolen her purse. > S + has/have + V3
Passive : Her purse has been stollen by a thief. S + has/have + been + V3

Past Perfect Tense (uwis jaman samono /ada tekanan kata telah di atas peristiwa lampau)
Active : We had sent the package before she came to the post office. > S + had + V3.
Passive : The package had been sent by us befor she came to the post. > S + Had
been + V3

Simple Future Tense (jaman sing arep teka)
Active : The compoany will build a new factory. > S+ will + /hall + V1
Passive : A new factory will be build by the company. > S + will + V3

Sentence using MODAL Verbs (can, may, must)
Active : They must clean the room everyday. > S + Modal(must)+ V1
Passive : The room must be clean by them everyday. > S+ Modal + be + verb 3

Coba buat kalimat passive dengan menterjemahkan kalimat berikut! Selamat berlatih.

- Aku dikhianati oleh kekasihku.

- PR-ku dikerjakan adikku tadi malam

- Ruang kelas kita sedang dibersihkan oleh pak Darlim

- Sepeda motorku sedang dipinjam teman ketika kamu pinjam tadi malam.

- Organisasi itu telah dibubarkan oleh pemerintah

- Dia akan dihukum oleh pak Suratno

- Pelajaran ini harus dipraktekan setiap hari
By: @moet ‘08

Obrolan sekitar Warung Madang

Kyeh pada latihan ngomong Ingrisan ala wong Banyumasan
(bagi sing ndue HT, bisa brik-brikan neng frekwency 14.171, ketemu sing jenenge Mr. Obet Kedindang)

Around the Canteen

It's time to break. Let's go to the canteen.
Saatnya istirahat. Yuk kita ke kantin.
You go first, please! I'll go next.
Pergi duluan sana!! Tar aku nyusul.
Hi, what are you eating? It seems so delicious.
He, lagi makan apa sih kamu? Enak banget kayaknya.
Just try yourself! Its name "combro".
Coba aja sendiri. Namanya combro.
Oh, I see. I don't think it's nice.
Oh, combro to?! Gak enak lah.
I'd rather eat mendoan than eat combro.
Aku sih lebih suka makan mendoan dari pada makan combro.
Do you prefer eating combro to eating mendoan?
Apakah kamu lebih suka makan combro dari pada makan mendoan?
Actually I like both, but I think combro is much more delicious.
Sebenarnya sih suka keduanya, tapi kupikir combro tuh jauhan lebih enak.
I think you'll say that "combro is cheaper".
Alaaah, paling juga mo ngomong "combro tu lebih murah"
That's exactly what I mean.
Yaa, begitu emang maksudku.
Are you finish?Let's go back to the class. I am gonna finish the assignment of chemistry.
Selesai belum kamu?Yuk balik ke kelas. Aku mo nyelesein tugas kimia.
Wait a minute! I'm still chewing a slice of mendoan.
Tunggu, aku masih ngunyah mendoan nih.
How many slices did you eat? Let me treat you.
Makan mendoamn berapa kamu. Biar aku traktir kamu.
What? Will you pay me? What a good of you! (How kind you are! / How koind of you!)
Apa? Kamu mo bayarin aku. Baik bener kamu! Thanks ya!
Don't mention it! / You are welcome. / It's alright.
Yo-i. Iya lah.
How much is one mendoan, Mom / Madam?
Mendoan satu berapa, Bu?
Just usual, Boy. How many slices did you eat?
Seperti biasa lah, Nak. Makan berapa tadi?
I toke three slices and my friend toke four. So how much for all?
Aku tiga iris dan temanku empat. Dados sedoyo pinten , Bu?
Just one thousand and four hundreds all.
Namung setunggal ewu kawanatus, Mas.
Here is the money. One thousand and a half. Thanks, Mom.
Ini uangnya, Bu. Rp 1.500,- Makasih
Wait, you still have one hundred.
Hei tunggu, kembali cepek, nih.
Just take it, Mom!
Udah lah, Bu. Ambil saja!
Hmmmm….I'm full. Satisfied!!
Salmony English Club @mout Hmmmm…kenyaaang. Puas nih! Wareg

Kalimat ora Langsung alias Ngulang Omongane Wong


Berikut adalah perubahan tenses dari kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung

(a) She said, "I eat fried rice everyday." > She said (that) she ate fried rice
(b) She said, "I am eating fried rice now." > She said she was eating fried rice
that time.
(c) She said, "I have eaten fried rice." > She said she had eaten fried rice.
(d) She said, "I ate fried rice yesterday." > She said she had eaten fried rice
the day before.
(e) She said, "I will eat fried rice." > She said she would eat fried rice.
(f) She said, "I am going to eat fried rice." > She said she was going to
eat fried rice.
(g) She said, "I can eat fried rice." > She said she could eat fried rice.
(h) She said, "I may eat fried rice." > She said she might eat fried rice.
(i) She said, " I must eat fried rice." > She said she had to eat fried rice.
(j) She said, "I have to eat fried rice." > She said she had to eat fried rice.
(k) She said, "I should eat fried rice." > She said she should eat fried rice.
(l) She said, "I ought to eat fried rice." > She said she ought to eat fried
(m) She said, "I don't eat fried rice." > She said she didn't eat fried rice.

Perhatikan untuk kalimat imperative (perintah), kalimat perintah berubah menjadi invinitive (to + Verb I / k.k dasar). Tell (told) digunakan sebagai pengganti Say (said). Dan kata TELL langsung diikuti kata ganti (me).

(n) She said, "Eat fried rice!" > She told me to eat fried rice.
(o) she said, " Don't eat fried rice!" > She told me (asked me) NOT to
eat fried rice.

Untuk kalimat tanya YES/NO Question kita menggunakan kata Ask not say or tell and we use IF or WHETHER.

(p) She said, " Do you eat fried rice?" > She asked me if I ate rice.
(q) She said, " Do you have any money?" > She asked if I had some money.
(r) She said, " Are you hungry?" > She asked (me) if I was hungry.
> She asked (me) whether I was
Untuk WH Question

(s) She said, "Where do you live?" > She asked me where I lived.
"Do you live in a boarding house?" > She asked me if I lived in a
boarding house.
Dedicated by @moet'07
To be continued…………